Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Tree

In Europe, Pagans in the past did not cut down evergreen trees, bring them into their homes and decorate them. That would have been far too destructive of nature. But during the Roman celebration of the feast of Saturnalia, Pagans did decorate their houses with clippings of evergreen shrubs. They also decorated living trees with bits of metal and replicas of their God, Bacchus.


Monday, December 10, 2012


The Winter Solstice season is all about light and faith. Faith that the Sun and warmth will return to the land, and hope in humanity. In this season of celebration and light, consider the Greek god of Sun, Apollo, a solar deity associated with music, poetry, illumination, knowledge and prophecy. Apollo challenges you with the message inscibed at his temple in Delphi: "Know thyself." Be true to yourself. Dare to follow your path and to challenge yourself to learn and to grow. The use your will and create a positive change. Accomplish your personal and magickal goals, not only for yourself but for the loved ones in your life.
-Witches' Datebook 2013