Sunday, January 6, 2013

How to Bless a Home, Clearing Negative Energy

Many in the new age field wonder how to bless a house. They seek out ways to make their home and, in fact, any space sacred. This sacred space is supposed to be protected from negative energy and have a clean spiritual feel to it.

Clearing negative energy with sage and learning how to bless a house isn't hard or complicated; it just takes a little time, effort, and the right frame of mind.

Items Suggested for Blessing a House and Clearing Negative Energy

The following are generally recommended for the creation of sacred space, blessing of a house, and the clearing of negative energy:
White Sage
A spray bottle
Purified or Spring Water
Kosher or Sea Salt
Calming Music
A positive and uplifting attitude.

The majority of these can be found at the local new age store. If there isn’t a local new age store, generally all but the white sage can be found in a grocery store. The white sage will require some hunting online, but is usually easily accessible.

Steps to Bless a Home and Clear Negative Energy

Start the process of blessing the house and clearing it of negativity by pouring the purified or spring water into the spray bottle and diluting the kosher or sea salt into the water filled bottle.

Hold the spray bottle between the hands, close the eyes, and visualize beams of white light coming from the God force energy or the Sun. This energy should travel down through the body and out the hands into the spray bottle. After a few moments of visualizing say "In the name of all that is, I bless this water to make it pure so that it may cleanse and protect all from negative energy." Once finished, sit the bottle aside.

Now is the time to begin playing the calming music. Allow for a few moments to enjoy this music and enter into a light meditation. As the music creates an energetic change it's important to allow the mind to focus only on happy, positive, and uplifting thoughts. These will be the thoughts that ultimately serve to bless the house and clear it of negativity.

After the light meditation, light the white sage. The sage, if loose, should be in an abalone shell. White sage also comes in smudge sticks. These smudge sticks are easy to light and carry around and can be put out when finished by wrapping aluminum foil around the burning end.

Allow the white sage time to start to smoking. Once the white sage has began to smoke start walking clockwise around the home. While walking around and blessing the home it’s important to chant a prayer or positive affirmation. It’s the combination of the frame of mind, white sage, and the prayer/affirmation which results in the clearing of negative energy. Example affirmations include:
Bless this house make it holy
In perfect love and perfect trust
Allow only good to be present here
Love and light is here to stay
May prosperity bless this space
Negativity be gone, replaced only by good will
Clearing negative energy, bringing forth positive energy.

Again, walk clockwise around the area to be blessed and protected spraying a mist of the holy water. This will create a chemical reaction in the air which will actually make the area feel more clear and light. Additionally, the salt, being pure, serves as an added method of protection and irons in the fact that there is a clearing of negative energy.

Once this is finished it's important to sit in the center of the blessed house or scared space, eyes closed, and visualize gold light and loving energy filling the room. Allow for a good 10 minutes to perform this.

After all is said and done, a person practicing new age beliefs should retreat to a shower or bath to rinse any residual negative energy off them and down into the drain.

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